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At Heartland Church, we care about relationships, and we want to help you build strong relationships with your neighbors. Connecting with your neighbors can be awkward, uncomfortable, and intimidating, but the simple truth is that you are the best person to reach your neighbors. We want to equip you to engage missionally in your own backyard. Let us partner with you to help foster real relationships between you and your neighbors by giving you everything you need to host a Block Party that will help you connect with your neighborhood.
We’ll provide the resources, you host the event, and lets see how God moves in our community.

How It Works
What We Provide
Food (hotdogs, buns)
Yard Games​
Bounce House
Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker
SnoCone Maker & Supplies
Cotton Candy Machine
Invitations Banners & Yard Signs
What You'll Need
A space to set everything up
A Saturday or Sunday that you can host the event
Sides - Better yet, invite your neighbors to bring a shareable side, bag of chips, or 12pk of soda
On The Day Of
We’ll drop off a trailer at your location with everything you need
You will set it up however you want
At the start time, begin cooking up some food.
Enjoy the afternoon with your neighbors by talking, playing yard games, and eating
When the event is over, load it all back into the trailer and we’ll come pick it up.
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